Over 20 lakh obese patients need bariatric surgery, say experts

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 13 Januari 2013 | 22.10

PUNE: India has more than 20 lakh obese patients who need to undergo bariatric surgery. But, currently, there are around 50 skilled surgeons available to perform such surgical procedures, say experts.

"Taking into consideration the large number of young diabetics with obesity and the rise in premature deaths in Indian population, it is important that there are enough number of specialists who are trained methodically to serve the patients," said bariatric surgeon Shashank Shah.

Elaborating, Shah said, "To overcome this shortfall, we have taken an initiative to provide adequate training in such highly skilled surgery. In addition, we are trying to carry voluntary task in the same field through 'Defeat Obesity and Diabetes Foundation' to create health awareness about the disease of obesity."

Shah further said that laparoscopic surgery is a relatively new field and requires highly skilled surgeons to deal with complicated cases.

"As a responsible centre of excellence, Poona Hospital conducts training programmes to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the surgeons in this field," said joint managing trustee Rajkumar Chordia of Poona Hospital.

In India, obesity is associated with smoking,alcohol and eating fatty food habits. These contribute to increasing incidence of cancers of the breast, liver, stomach and large intestine (colon). These are the leading types of cancers in Indian society.

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Over 20 lakh obese patients need bariatric surgery, say experts

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