Teachers beware: Grading with red ink can upset kids

Written By Unknown on Senin, 21 Januari 2013 | 22.10

PTI Jan 19, 2013, 06.39AM IST

LONDON: Teachers, please note! The iconic red ink you use to grade students may actually upset them, according to a new study. The study by researchers from the University of Colorado showed students think they've been assessed more harshly when their work is assessed in red ink compared to more neutral colours like blue.

"The red grading pen can upset students and weaken teacher-student relations and perhaps learning," sociologists Richard Dukes and Heather Albanesi said.

Researchers said red was associated with "warning, prohibition, caution, anger, embarrassment and being wrong" , the 'Daily Mail' said.

As many as 199 students were shown one of four different versions of a fictitious student's essay which had been marked by a lecturer. Some got a high quality essay , given an A grade, complete with positive and negative comments in either red or a blue-green pen. The other volunteers got an essay with a C grade with both positive and negative comments in either red or blue-green .

The volunteers were more likely to think the teacher writing in red was harsher than the one in blue - even though their grades and comments were identical.

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Teachers beware: Grading with red ink can upset kids

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